William Rehwinkel

Organist, harpsichordist, composer

A busy day

Sam Friedman's recital in Oberlin Audio Archive
First Presbyterian Church Huron event (Facebook)

May 03, 2021 - May 2, 2021...One of the most busy and eventful days in my time at Oberlin so far, and it was not even a weekday

At 4:00 I played in the Sacred Music Skills year-end recital, playing a four-movement improvised organ symphony. It will be uploaded to youtube shortly, and I'll be editing the videos for the other three students as well. The recital was well-played by the other three students as well.

At 7:30 I assisted in Sam Friedman's successful Senior Recital, accompanying him on the organ for a Torelli Trumpet Concerto. The whole recital was varied and interesting to listen throughout. I will be looking forward to listening to his composition recital later on.

There were plenty of other events for me to attend as well. I watched two ensembles performances that took place in the Clark Bandstand in Tappan Square, the Gospel Ensemble and the Chamber Singers.

As if that was not enough, there was also a presentation at FirstPresbyterian Church of Huron, of the 40th anniversary of the Bruce Shull organ, played by Matthew Dion, another student in the department. Unfortunately I did not get to watch this event at all as it occured in the hour before the Sacred Music Skills concert, but am watching it as I write this.

The year is almost done. Two more days of classes, reading period for the rest of the week, and then finals, and then we will be done with this God-forsaken yet highly-productive school year, and it will be on to year number three of five.